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 საერთო ცხელი ხაზი +995 577 07 05 63

Social Policy / Projects

Analysis of Georgia’s Targeted Social Assistance

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Budget: USD 99,500

Duration: 2022-2024 Year

  • Donor: East-West Management Institute

Poverty and social exclusion have been acute problems since the independence of Georgia that have been on the top of the NDI polls over the years. However, because of the absence of effective and transparent state policy, over the years the social protection mechanisms (including, one-off payments, inclusion in the Targeted Social Assistance Program or other support services and provision of housing/housing, pwd services, etc.) have become objects of political manipulations in the hands of both central and municipal governments. Moreover, issues relating to the effectiveness, efficiency and adequacy of the TSA program in the country, have been excluded from the political and public agenda in Georgia. As a result of the state inactivity, the socially vulnerable groups became invisible and disempowered persons whose voices are not heard by the decision-makers and are regarded as passive objects of charity. On the other hand, NGOs consider these persons as mere consumers/beneficiaries and not the rights holders with unique expertise.

In this light, the project aims to assess TSA program in line with human right based approach, such as empowerment, person-centered approach and needs-based (including the persons with double and triple vulnerabilities), participation.

More specifically, the project focuses on the following four issues:

  1. The extent to which the social protection system empowers different vulnerable groups benefiting from direct cash transfers
  2. The extent to which the system caters to the individual needs of different vulnerable groups
  3. The effectiveness of the complaints mechanism concerning the TSA program
  4. Strategic social policy and its instrumentalization for political purposes

The project team will carry out activities to promote the system in line with human rights and based on human-centered approaches to effectively contribute to poverty eradication and empowerment of vulnerable communities in the country.

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