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 საერთო ცხელი ხაზი +995 577 07 05 63

Judiciary and Democracy / Projects

Supporting accountable and human rights oriented security sector through research, advocacy and inclusive dialogue

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Budget: EUR 376,585.04

Duration: 2022-2025 Year

Transparency and accountability of the security sector is one of the most problematic issues for Georgia. A low level of accountability and ineffective oversight mechanisms hinders the institutional democracy of the country’s security system. The most challenging of the whole system is the practice and operation of the State Security Service (SSS). Both Judiciary and parliamentary oversight over the State Security Service is a formal procedure, conditioned due to lack of legislative guarantees and traditions of real oversight over the security services. Existing parliamentary oversight mechanisms lack special expertise, as only the members of the parliament are empowered to conduct oversight activities. Judicial control of covert measures conducted by the Security Service is an important guarantee for the protection of the right to privacy. Despite some positive changes made to Georgian legislation recently, a number of covert measures are still beyond judicial control.

In the absence of an appropriate conflict management policy, the security sector’s work lacks inclusive approaches in particular regions. Therefore, as a rule, the security policy and strategies in the specific areas are shaped without sufficient consideration of certain socio-cultural factors and public perceptions of safety and security. Moreover, society and expert groups are not involved adequately in drafting and elaborating the national security strategy. In light of challenges facing the security sector in the country, the project aims to implement activities that will ensure the systemic response to the systemic problems.

The project's overall objective is to improve the security sector monitoring system and raise human rights standards in security practices by offering extensive analysis, advocacy, and public awareness programs. More specifically, there are four specific objectives, including

1) Improving the efficiency of the existing security sector oversight mechanisms and enhancing parliamentarian and judicial oversight tools;

2) Strengthening Human rights-based and socially reasonable policies and practices of the security sector in the particular regions of Georgia (with special focus on conflict regions and ethnic/religious minorities);

3) Introducing Expertise-based dialogue on the national security strategy and architecture of the security; Elaborating National security strategy through the inclusive process;

4) addressing and analyzing policy implications of public perceptions of conflicts, radicalization, violent extremism, and other key security concerns, including public trusts and attitudes towards institutions in charge of protecting the public safety and security.

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