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Access to Targeted Social Assistance System and Mechanisms for Protecting the Rights of People Living in Poverty

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The targeted social assistance program is a key component of Georgia’s social protection system. It operates by assessing the socio-economic status of households using the Proxy Means Testing (PMT) methodology, which indirectly evaluates a family’s welfare. Based on the score assigned, financial assistance in the form of a subsistence allowance is provided.

The targeted social assistance system has been in place for 18 years and continues to cover an increasing number of beneficiaries each year. As of August 2024, 680,833 people were receiving subsistence allowance, accounting for 18.43% of Georgia’s population. This figure indicates that despite a reduction in the rate of absolute poverty in the country, the number of people dependent on targeted social assistance is increasing, pointing to the socio-economic vulnerability of a significant segment of the population.

The targeted social assistance system is intrinsically complex, consisting of multiple interrelated stages, the interactions of which ultimately affect its overall effectiveness. One of the key phases is the re-evaluation of a family’s score, which may also include an appeals process.

It is undeniable that access to legal protection mechanisms and the ability to appeal are crucial for the realization of any right. However, in the context of the targeted social assistance system, access to mechanisms for protecting rights becomes particularly vital. These mechanisms not only ensure the restoration of violated rights but also guarantee that individuals living in extreme socio-economic conditions receive the minimum support necessary for survival.

Decisions related to enrollment in the targeted social assistance program, score assignment, and the suspension or termination of assistance are made by the LEPL - Social Services Agency. While current regulations provide formal procedures for appealing the Agency’s decisions, it is important to analyze how well the system meets the needs of individuals, whether it adequately considers their socio-economic vulnerabilities, and how effectively it supports them.

The aim of this study is to examine one of the crucial aspects of the targeted social assistance mechanism—namely, the re-evaluation of the assigned score and the appeals process—and to identify the barriers that significantly hinder individuals from exercising their social rights.


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