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Personal and State Security: Public Attitudes and Perceptions

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Number Of Pages:  59

Publication Year:  2022



Under the project “Supporting accountable and human rights oriented security sector through research, advocacy and inclusive dialogue”, which is carried out by the Social Justice Center alongside the Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association and CRRC-Georgia, CRRC-Georgia conducted a population survey on personal and state security. The survey took place from May 27th to July 3rd, 2022 and included 2,544 interviews. The results of the survey are representative and, within the margin of error, can be generalized for the adult population of Georgia as well as the populations of the capital, other urban and rural settlements, and areas largely populated by ethnic minorities.

The main goal of the project is to improve the monitoring of the security system and to enhance the human rights protection standards in the security system through the programs aimed at increasing analytical, advocacy and awareness capacities. Part of the activities planned to reach this goal is to study the attitudes and perceptions of the population to understand how well-informed people are about the state security system, how protected they feel, and how various social groups perceive their security.

The present report shortly reviews the research methodology and summarizes the results of the survey of Georgia’s adult population regarding the following topics: general opinion of the Georgian population on the state of security in the country and perception of security, awareness about state security bodies, attitude towards the main institutions that make up the security system, opinions on the security sector and marginal groups, and impressions of the life conditions of people living along the dividing lines of South Ossetia/Tskhinvali region and Abkhazia.


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