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 საერთო ცხელი ხაზი +995 577 07 05 63

About Us / Donors

Swedish Association for Sexuality Education (RFSU)

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Since 2015, Social Justice Center actively cooperates with Swedish Association for Sexuality Education (RFSU) in the direction of strengthening the policies oriented on protection of sexual and reproductive health.  

With the support of RFSU, Social Justice Center implements projects, which aim is to create an environment free from violence and discrimination against LGBT community. With this aim, under the framework of the project, Social Justice Center works in several directions, among which are systematic and participatory advocacy for promoting the improvement of LGBT rights in the local and international levels by using strategic litigation mechanisms;  Advocating effective and prevention-oriented policies to fight against Homo/bi/transphobic crimes. Supporting queer activism by creating an alternative discourse, knowledge and the platform for discussions. Promoting strengthening institutional and theoretical knowledge of organization and raising their understanding regarding the rights of sexual and reproductive health. It should be noted, that RFSU is a distinguished partner organization that actively supports project activities implemented by Social Justice Center as well as its institutional development.

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