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 საერთო ცხელი ხაზი +995 577 07 05 63

Equality Policy / Projects

Promoting equality, solidarity, and social peace in Georgia 

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Budget: EUR 191,392.57

Duration: 2022-2023 Year

Integrating Georgia’s minorities into the country’s social, economic, and cultural life is critical for successful nation-building in a fledgling democracy fighting off its Soviet legacy, including ethno-linguistic policies and institutionalization of ethnicity, 30 years into its independence. This will require significant changes of paradigms in state policies as well as in mindset among many ethnic Georgians who have little exposure to their fellow citizens with minority backgrounds or are unaware of the benefits of integration in the process of building a democratic, fair and inclusive political system.

With support of regional and international actors and along with international obligations, the state has advanced its legislation and policy documents that reflect equality policy issues. However, in spite of these advancement, many institutional, structural and cultural challenges still hamper minority integration and achievement of social peace in general.

Against this backdrop, the goal of the proposed action is to contribute to social peace based on the principles of inclusion, equality, and diversity through evidence-based advocacy and transforming prevailing exclusionist discourse coupled with single-sided narratives.

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