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 საერთო ცხელი ხაზი +995 577 07 05 63

Judiciary and Democracy / Projects

Empowering Civil Society and Professional Organizations to ensure safe, secure and accountable society in Georgia

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Budget: EUR 229,093

Duration: 2022-2025 Year

Since January 2022, the Social Justice Center (former EMC) has been implementing the project on empowering civil society and professional organizations for safe, secure, and accountable society in Georgia in partnership with Open Society – Georgia Foundation and with the support from the European Union.

Crime rates among adolescents are significantly high in Georgia and are addressed only by disproportionally punitive and reactionary mechanisms. Despite the acknowledgement by the government of the need to reform harsh drug policy, the legislation remains rigid and prioritizes strict repressive measures. Drug use is criminalized and drug possession for personal consumption can carry a longer prison sentence than murder or rape. No alternatives to punishment that would support individuals to overcome their drug related problems are considered. Public attitude largely remains supportive of the current approach.

The prevention mechanisms are almost non-existent and existing few are not evidence based, no evaluation has been conducted to measure its level of impact or plan future interventions.

Against this backdrop, the overall objective of the action is to support the increase of human security and safety in Georgia through creating human rights-based drug policy and improving crime and drug prevention, drug treatment and care systems.

In order to attain the overall objective, the project sets 6 specific objectives. The two out of these six objectives fall under the direct responsibility of the Social Justice Center:

  • Build the capacity of law enforcement, educational system and relevant personnel to prevent, identify, timely intervene and tackle criminal and violent behaviours.
  • Support reframing Georgian drug related legislation and policy towards evidence-based and human rights-oriented approaches.

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