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Equality Policy / Projects

Strengthening LGBT community, Advocating for Sexual and Reproductive Health, and Supporting Queer Activists

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Budget: GEL 1,027,600

Duration: 2018-2022 Year

Since March 2018, the Social Justice Center, formerly EMC, with the support from the Swedish Association for Sexual Education for Sexuality Education (RFSU) has been implementing the project titled Strengthening LGBT community, Advocating for Sexual and Reproductive Health, and Supporting Queer Activists.

The project aims to promote and disseminate theoretical and practical knowledge about gender and sexuality, support activists and LGBTQ community organizations and provide the latter with relevant knowledge. To this end, the specific objective of the project includes the organization of a widescale Queer forum to promote the need for revisiting Queer and feminist policies and contribute to a critical theoretical framework tailored to local needs. This is planned to be done through translating seminal works on the topic of sexuality, and encouraging research at a local level, compiling articles, and organizing public discussions.

At the same time, the project serves to identify/examine/research invisible and basic problems faced by LGBTQ community and marginalized women, and advocate for resolution of their problem.

For this purpose, the Social Justice Center will undertake a comprehensive study into the socio-economic vulnerability of LGBTQ community members which, in turn, will serve the analysis of needs faced by the target groups from a specific political, social and cultural angle and strengthening the agenda for protecting the rights of the latter.

The project also aims to create such a pool of resources concerning LGBTQ community and women’s rights, which will be able to translate concerns into politics and support the implementation of effective and targeted policies. The Social Justice will facilitate practical trainings, seminars, and working meetings for the representatives of public agencies in order to promote positive changes to respective policies and provide knowledge about the needs of LGBTQ community and women to policymakers.

At the same time, the project will strive to identify and promote the SRHR needs of marginalized women to political agenda. To this end, the project team will undertake needs assessment and an analysis of ethnic minority women and facilitate support meetings for the latter.

Within the frame of the project the project team will try to change an academic approach towards SRHR issues by preparing syllabi for students studying at various programs which will support formalization and dissemination of the above mentioned issues among youth and general public.

The project will be implemented in close partnership and cooperation with representatives of the civil society, academia, LGBTQ organizations, movements and activist, and community leaders.

It should be noted that RFSU is an outstanding donor organization  who, in addition to supporting project related activities, has an active contributor to institutional development of the Social Justice Center.

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