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Equality Policy / Projects

Promote Conflict Transformation by Critical Rethinking of Conflict-related History and Reifnrocing Women’s Perspectives  

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Budget: EUR 96,147

Duration: 2022-2024 Year

Since 2022, the Social Justice Center supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) and Kvinna till Kvinna has been implementing the project Promote Conflict Transformation by Critical Rethinking of Conflict-Related History and Reinforcing Women’s Perspectives.

In light of rapidly changing geopolitical context matters related to peace building have growingly become a subject of radical polarization in Georgia. At the same time, issues of conflict transformation, sustainable peacebuilding, and interests of conflict affected communities are still missing from the political agenda. Grave socio-economic standing of the conflict affected communities and severe violations of their rights, existing systemic challenges and a mismatch between peace policies and existing problems underscores the urgency for political dialogue and the strengthening of human rights perspectives in peace processes. In addition, voices and interests of conflict affected women are rarely heard in the peace processes while women’s engagement in peace negotiations and decision-making processes remain low.

The overall goal of the project is to support conflict transformation through critical rethinking of conflict related history and strengthening women’s voices in peace policies, as well as integrating special needs of conflict affected communities in the political agenda and action plans.

To this end, the Social Justice Center has set three following objectives:

  1. Create critical knowledge around conflicts and peacebuilding, women peacebuilders, and practitioners to encourage conflict transformation and societal changes
  2. Empower Women, Peace, and Security policy (WPS) through integrating women’s needs, interests, and rights in the state’s peace policy  
  3. Strengthen the protection of human rights of conflict affected communities on both sides of the divide through participatory advocacy and research into issues such as freedom of movement.

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