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 საერთო ცხელი ხაზი +995 577 07 05 63

Judiciary and Democracy / Projects

Support for Humane Drug Policy and Law Enforcement in Georgia

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Budget: USD 43,000

Duration: 2021-2022 Year

In spite of widely held criticism towards Georgia’s drug policy, the has not yet come up with a clearly defined vision about the future of the aforementioned policy. A working process ongoing in 2017-2018 around a systemic reform failed to yield any tangible outcome. Instead, the government chose to pursue fragmented reforms. One of the latest examples of such reforms has been the endorsement of small dosages for eight selected narcotic substances by the new parliament of the country.

In spite of numerous decisions made by the Constitutional Court of Georgia and a series of important amendments to the legal framework, the Georgian drug policy remains overly repressive. Nor has the attitude of the state towards drug users changed significantly (with the exception of marijuana use which is no longer sanctionable) and continues to be punitive. Against this backdrop, the project aims to

  1. Empower convicts serving sentences for drug abuse through legal support and
  2. Advocate  for a humane drug policy.

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