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 საერთო ცხელი ხაზი +995 577 07 05 63

Social Policy / Projects

Advocating for Fair Remuneration and Affordable housing

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Budget: USD 50,000

Duration: 2022-2023 Year

Recent years have seen some progress in re-regulation of spheres and sectors deregulated over the past few decades in light of neoliberal development policies centered around economic growth, mostly resulting from the implementation of recommendations promoted by Western financial institutions and Association Agreement between Georgia and the EU. Sadly, the progress has not included formalization of non-formal economy and more effective regulation of non-standard employment on the one hand, and failed to offer changes oriented at fair employment, such as a high standard of remuneration (whether it be parental leave, overtime, or issues relating to minimum wage) or prevent excessive borrowing caused by workers’ poverty. 

In addition, problems relating to housing policy, for example, a definition of homelessness in the national legislation, fragmented and insufficient measures for providing housing and accommodation to those in need, still persist. Alarmingly, there have not yet been successful cases of the State overcoming homelessness and providing efficient and effective state services to respective beneficiaries. In light of these problems, the project aims to contribute to improved conditions for precarious workers and affordable housing policies through advocacy. To this end, the project envisions two objectives:

  1. Advocate for fair remuneration policy at a national level, and
  2. support the introduction of affordable housing mechanism.

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