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ETHNIC MINORITIES / Analytical Documents

The Social Justice Center submitted budget proposals and recommendations to 7 municipalities

On the 15th of November, the Social Justice Center formally submitted proposals to the Sakrebulos of municipalities densely populated by ethnic minority groups. These proposals aim to address specific concerns in the forthcoming 2024 budget plan. In collaboration with local organizations, activists, and community members, the proposals, accompanied by comprehensive recommendation packages, were dispatched to the municipalities of Sagarejo, Kvareli, Ninotsminda, and Akhalkalaki. These proposals are grounded in urgent issues that necessitate resolution for the local populace, as identified by our organization through an extensive needs assessment conducted in the villages of these municipalities and through our sessions held in the scope on legal clinics.

Our budget proposals encompass the examination of financing the subsequent initiatives within the municipal budget for 2024:

Within Sagarejo municipality:

  • Allocate funds for translation services to be utilised by the structural divisions of the municipality in order to render the materials into a language that the ethnic Azerbaijanis of the Iormughanlo community can comprehend.
  • Restoration of the entrance bridge to the Iormughanlo community villages
  • Installation of asphalt pavement in Kazlar village, part of Sagarejo Municipality.
  • Construction of a kindergarten in the administrative center of Tulari village of Iormughanlo community.

Within Kvareli municipality:

  • Development of a water system in the village of Tivi, belonging to the Avar community, and ensuring water provision to the residents.
  • Building a kindergarten in the Chantliskure village inhabited by the Avar community.

Within Akhalkalaki municipality:

  • Renovation of library structures in the villages of Balkho, Vachiani, Kajo, and Orja within Akhalkalaki Municipality, aimed at transforming them into versatile community spaces.
  • Implementation of a potable water infrastructure for the inhabitants of Turtskhi, Vachiania, Balkho, and Kartsakh, which are located in the municipality of Akhalkalaki; Conducting a potable water quality assessment in the village of Khulgumo and, if required, initiating sanitation initiatives

Within Ninotsminda municipality:

  • Refurbishment of library facilities to establish a multifunctional community spaces in the municipality villages of Uchmana, Eshtia, Satkha, Gandza, and Mamzara.
  • Designation of a land parcel within the administrative boundaries of the municipality for the use of Adjarian eco-migrants residing in the municipality (with assigned status), specifically for the establishment and subsequent upkeep of a cemetery.

Additionally, in collaboration with Platform Salam, we submitted a proposal in the three municipalities of Kvemo Kartli - Marneuli, Bolnis, and Dmanis - concerning the implementation of translation resources in the languages of ethnic minorities within the administrative units of these municipalities.

Our organization's needs assessments and legal clinics have uncovered the challenging social conditions prevalent in villages inhabited by ethnic minorities. We have observed that in such communities, issues such as political participation, access to essential resources, and basic social programs are particularly pressing. To address these concerns, we have compiled recommendation packages that accompany our budget proposals. These packages, distributed to the administrative units of Sagarejo, Kvareli, Akhalkalaki, and Ninotsminda municipalities, detail the specific problems identified at the village level through debt works, interviews, and legal clinics. Within these documents, we propose targeted solutions to address the identified issues, aiming to effectively advocate for the needs, concerns, and interests of the local communities.

In the process of municipal budget planning, it is crucial to ensure the unhindered and full participation of national and local civil organizations, as well as community activists, without any artificial barriers. This approach is essential for enhancing the efficiency of local budget fund utilization and for the execution of projects that are specifically designed to meet the needs of the population.

To achieve this, establishing an open forum for discussion is essential. Within this space, public dialogues can determine the appropriate allocation of pre-designated funds from the municipal budget. Such a platform is a fundamental requirement for realizing the principle of decentralization, as it facilitates community involvement in decision-making processes related to budget expenditures.

Therefore, we urge the representatives of the administrative units within the municipalities to engage openly and collaboratively with civil organizations during the review of the 2024 budget project. Such cooperation is essential for a more accurate and comprehensive assessment of the daily needs and the extent of the issues faced within the municipality. This approach will facilitate a more effective and responsive budgetary planning process.

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