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Solidarity Platform: The European Future is a Key Guarantee for Building an Inclusive Society in Georgia

We, activists representing the non-dominant ethnic and religious communities respond to the processes related to the granting of EU candidate status to Georgia.

We, activists hailing from various regions and diverse ethnic and religious communities of Georgia united around the Solidarity Platform wish to have our voices heard and to ensure that the European authorities, the Georgian government and other involved parties are aware of and take into account our views and opinions regarding the European future of Georgia.

We clearly state and emphasize that European orientation and future is the principal safeguard of civic equality, inter-ethnic solidarity and the construction of an inclusive society in Georgia. Today, as never before, protection of minority rights and our European choice are interdependent. We believe that European integration is tied to ending systemic injustices, eliminating structural discrimination and overcoming marginalization.

Being a part and receiving support from the EU is a crucial prerequisite to safeguarding the sovereign interests and security of our country. The brutal war in Ukraine clearly demonstrates the scale of the threat posed by Russia and the importance of receiving security guarantees from our country’s partners.

We do not associate the European Union only with skyscrapers, luxurious malls and brightly lit cities. Rather in our understanding the EU is a political space where non-dominant groups are being heard, where political systems are oriented towards equal distribution of rights, resources and power, participatory self-government and construction of a solidarity-based society; a political space where dignified salary and working conditions are guaranteed, where access to government services and programs and to healthcare is provided to all citizens, including those not fluent in the state language.

We choose the EU not only for the strength of its economy, but also due to the fact that within the union the poorest, the most marginalized and oppressed groups are being prioritized by the societies and their institutions and supported by all engaged parties.

Therefore, we urge the European Council and other institutions to consider the positions of Georgia’s non-dominant groups in their deliberations and to make a decision that will ensure the protection of all individuals.

We clearly see the feebleness of our government’s attempts at supporting and realizing the obligations related to the association agreement. Its political rhetoric regarding European institutions and partners is also problematic. Nevertheless, we believe that over the years our society has demonstrated its unambiguous European orientation and willingness to build a democratic society.

We wish to highlight the remarkable progress achieved by the Georgian population, our European friends and community leaders and activists working on the issues of non-dominant group rights. Further, it is now particularly urgent for us to receive the candidate status so the work that we’ve all been pursuing together does not go to waste.

Additionally, we understand that the road to full EU membership will be even longer and more challenging. We, the non-dominant groups of Georgia are ready to directly cooperate with relevant EU institutions, government structures and Georgian citizens in terms of this process in order to ensure that Georgia becomes a country where the universally accepted values of equality, social justice and human dignity are respected and protected.

Solidarity Platform brings together activists from various regions of Georgia, including Adjara, Samtskhe-Javakheti, Inner Kartli, the Pankisi valley and Tbilisi. The platform aims to build solidarity between non-dominant ethnic and religious groups and to integrate their needs, worries and positions into the political agenda in Georgia.

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