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Public organizations call on Georgian government to help Armenia overcome crisis caused by Coronavirus

We, the subscribing public organizations, stand in solidarity with the citizens of Armenia and call on the Government of Georgia to render assistance to the people of the neighboring country as a sign of solidarity and cooperation due to the alarming situation related to the outbreak of the novel coronavirus. It should be noted, that yesterday the Minister of Foreign Affairs confirmed in his statement Georgia's commitment to support its neighbor. It is essential that this assistance is provided in a timely manner and in accordance with the needs of Armenia. We believe that the social and economic crisis caused by Coronavirus can be overcome only in conditions of international cooperation, and it is essential that our country, within available resources, establishes such a positive practice of solidarity.

For a few days now, several hundred new cases of Coronavirus have been daily reported in Armenia. So far, the number of recorded cases of infection in Armenia is close to 12,000, and the death toll has exceeded 170. On May 24, the Minister of Health of Armenia stated that out of 186 intensive care units available in the country in case of the most serious diseases, 154 had already been occupied. Since then, the number of intensive care units has not expanded, although on June 1, the Prime Minister Pashinyan said that the number of severe cases of the disease reached 440. Apparently, the number of severely ill patients continues to increase, as 35-50% of tests carried out in Armenia in recent days are positive, which points to an alarming rate of spread of coronavirus among the population.

Meanwhile, the Georgian health system successfully manages both to control the number of new cases and to carry out effective treatment of infected patients. Statements made by the Minister of Health and other representatives of the medical sphere concerning the reserves and medical resources available in Georgia suggest that the Georgian health system can provide tangible assistance to Armenia in order to avoid large-scale risks.

International solidarity and cooperation is a vital precondition for improving of the pandemic situation and preventing of large-scale mortality. The ongoing epidemic in different countries will increase the risk of new waves of disease in those countries, where COVID-19 control is effective by now.

The social and economic crisis arising from the pandemic has a serious impact on international relations, and, unfortunately, in some cases the present situation has given rise to isolationist and authoritarian rhetoric. In order to cope with this wave, it is important to create new strategies and practices of cooperation and solidarity aimed at overcoming the crisis. Moreover, the crisis situation may be a condition for the positive policy based on solidarity and transformation of conflicts between different countries and peoples.

Rendering support in this difficult situation will be a confirmation of good-neighbourliness with Armenia and another important step towards expanding the cooperation and relations based on friendship and solidarity between our countries and people.

Therefore, public organizations express willingness to provide the necessary support to our colleagues within the framework of our mandate and resources.

Signatory organizations:

  • Human Rights Education and Monitoring Center (EMC)
  • Georgian Democracy Initiative (GDI)
  • Open Society Georgia Foundation (OSGF)
  • Georgian Young Lawyers Association (GYLA)
  • Human Rights Center (HRC)
  • Tolerance and Diversity Institute (TDI)
  • Women's Initiatives Supporting Group (WISG)
  • Equality Movement
  • “Sapari” Union
  • “Salam” platform

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