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JUDICIARY / Guideline

Access to Justice Research Methodology


This document provides a methodological framework for examining all the structural factors that prevent individuals from accessing the justice institutions.

The term access to justice refers to the ability to acquire just resolution of justiciable problems and to uphold rights in accordance with human rights standards. One of the essential components of access to justice is legal aid, but beyond that, it is necessary to identify the social needs of the population and specific groups and the structural issues that may be at the root of the problem and create significant barriers to access to justice (poverty, inequality, heterogeneity/homogeneity by ethnicity, family structure, level of education, etc.).

Although many studies have been conducted on barriers to access to justice at the international level, information on the national context is insufficient and a unified picture has not been available so far. Until now, the discussion on access to justice in Georgia has been limited to focusing on the needs and barriers of specific vulnerable groups. Therefore, in order to create a unified picture, it is necessary to use the appropriate methodological tool to identify all the barriers that affect the quality of access to justice in the country.

The methodology document was prepared within the framework of the project "Improving Access to Justice" funded by EWMI-PROLoG. The project aims to improve access to justice in Georgia by identifying institutional, legislative and other barriers and offering recommendations for overcoming them.


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