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 საერთო ცხელი ხაზი +995 577 07 05 63

JUDICIARY / Research

Access to Justice in Georgia

Library Thumbnail Image

Head:   Guram IMNADZE

Number Of Pages:  240

Publication Year:  2021

ISBN:  978-9941-8-3437-0



The Social Justice Center, with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Rule of Law in Georgia (USAID / PROLoG) project, publishes a research on "Access to Justice in Georgia".

Study conducted by the Social Justice Center during 2020-2021 uncovers that access to justice is one of the most underestimated challenges in Georgian justice system. The state has no cohesive vision related to improving access to justice and cannot ensure the enforcement of an effective policy in this regard. Up to date, the state has limited the issue of access to justice to territorial and physical access to courts. No other substantive issues, such as financial, cultural, or social barriers have been analyzed properly. The study also reveals legislative deficiencies, lack of access to the translators and free legal aid, also low level of legal awareness and other factors that have negative effect to the access to justice.


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