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 საერთო ცხელი ხაზი +995 577 07 05 63

OTHER / Statement

Violence perpetrated against peaceful activists in Kobuleti calls for immediate investigation and punishment of perpetrators

The Social Justice Center responds to the violence perpetrated by the supporters of Alt-Info and pro-Putin extremist political party Conservative Movement against civilians gathered in Kutaisi to express support for Ukraine. The Social Justice Center protects the interests of the victims and calls on the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia to ensure a timely investigation into the incident, identification of the attackers and imposition of criminal liability.

Rally in solidarity of Ukraine was held in Kobuleti on March 22, during which protesters marched to the office of a pro-Putin extremist political party- the Conservative Movement - and once again objected their activities in the city. According to the protesters, about 40 members/supporters of the Conservative Movement, who were present at the scene, upon their arrival, physically assaulted the protesters and threatened them with future retribution. Members of the Conservative Movement beat 4 protesters, one of whom is still in the hospital with serious injuries. It should be noted that according to the rally organizers, members of the Conservative Party also threatened and verbally abused them on social networks a few days before the rally.

On March 22, police were mobilized at the rally site, however they failed to avoid a physical confrontation. Following the incident, police officers detained about 11 members of the Conservative Movement for committing acts under Articles 166 and 173 of the Code of Administrative Offences of Georgia. The court found the detainees to be offenders and imposed a fine of 3,500 GEL on one of them and 2,000 GEL on the others.

It should be stressed that the actions of several members of the Conservative Movement during the incident of March 22, also showed signs of a criminal offense, which requires a timely investigation, identification of perpetrators and their punishment. In accordance with the information available to the Social Justice Center, police officers have already questioned the victims as well as other protesters and conducted investigative/procedural actions, however no arrests have been made so far, and according to the victims, there is still a risk of continued violence and retaliation.

It is noteworthy that the incident occurred in Kobuleti was not the first case of physical violence perpetrated by the Conservative Party and Alt-Info supporters against peaceful protesters. Recently, in several regions of Georgia, where citizens have protested against the opening of Conservative Movement offices, the representatives of the party have physically confronted the participants of the peaceful rally. Unfortunately, so far, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has not ensured an effective investigation into any of the cases and the punishment of the perpetrators.

Such legal and political loyalty expressed by the authority to the extremist group and their impunity for the violence is alarming and create new risks of violence, social, ethnic and religious strife.

Even against the background of the difficult experience of allowing and tolerating violence on July 5-6, when the state failed to ensure a peaceful demonstration, today violence by pro-Putin violent groups against peaceful protesters in various cities and restrictions on their freedom of assembly and expression continues massively. It is also dangerous and significant that the court placed peaceful activists in support of Ukraine under administrative detention in Tbilisi a few days ago and imposed only fines to those involved in violent attacks organized by pro-Russian violent groups. Such legal sanctions against these groups create an environment of impunity, normalizing violence and undermining social peace.

In view of the above, the Social Justice Center requires The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia

  • Immediately investigate the beatings, violence, obstruction and persecution of civil activists in Kobuleti and ensure the rapid identification of perpetrators and immediate legal action against them;
  • Recognize the risks of violence against protesters and organizers of rally so far and, if necessary, ensure that special protection measures are applied to the victims;
  • Investigate in a timely and effective manner the recent acts of violence perpetrated by the members of Conservative Movement in various regions, as well as the content of public calls for violence and incitement to violence on their television channels as a whole and to give it a proper legal qualification.

The Social Justice Center continues to protect the interests of the victims of Kobuleti incident and will provide additional information to the public about the investigation process in the future.

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