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LGBT RIGHTS / Analytical Documents

Government against equality and freedom of expression - Extensive legal analysis of homophobic legislative initiatives


On April 4, 2024, Georgian Dream initiated a project for homo/bi/transphobic constitutional amendments.[1] The draft constitutional law of Georgia was designed to provide constitutional guarantees for “family values and the protection of minors”. In addition to amending the constitution, the government also planned to enact a new constitutional law specifically aimed at “protecting family values and minors”.

Lacking a constitutional majority in parliament, Georgian Dream was unable to secure the necessary support for the proposed constitutional amendments. Consequently, on June 4, 2024, the ruling party introduced an extensive legislative package of 19 bills designed to curtail the rights and freedoms of LGBTQI individuals.[2] The party strategically designed this package to pass with a simple majority in parliament. Therefore, on September 17, 2024, parliament adopted the legislation during the third reading, and the Law of Georgia "On Family Values and Protection of Minors" took effect on December 2, 2024.[3] This law now serves as the primary legal basis for the legislative amendments. Additional laws introduce further amendments to various existing laws, thus strengthening the legal framework established by the main law.

This document evaluates the constitutional and legislative initiatives in relation to fundamental human rights and will review the norms developed by the government from the perspective of legal gender recognition, personal and family life, and the rights to expression, assembly, and manifestation.


Footnote and Bibliography

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