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WOMEN’S RIGHTS / Analytical Documents

Healthcare, Reproductive Health, Services and Rights in Regions: Experiences from Marneuli Municipality and Highland Adjara


The analytical document describes challenges and barriers in healthcare system that are experienced by women living in Marneuli municipality and highland Adjara.

"You might feel pain but you do not pay attention because it costs a lot to see a doctor. We do not have a context where you go there in advance even if you have money. It is true that you have to take care of yourself first, but when you see a family behind you, [which] does not have enough resources ... you do not allow yourself to go and do medical examination on yourself unless it troubles you". (Respondent from Adjara)

"The state generally does not invest resources in preventive care, it is so expensive that it remains inaccessible to the population ... State funding is [mainly] reserved for the most severe health problems". (Respondent from Marneuli municipality)

"I can not afford [to buy medicine] because I have financial problems. Sometimes I am not able to buy my medicine on time, sometimes I can only buy half of it". (Respondent from Marneuli municipality)


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