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Itkhvians demand the state's response to the commission's ruling in an unified letter

The state commission's decision was made public last month, which states that 106 families living in the village of Itkhvisi, Chiaturi municipality, are subject to relocation due to soil subsidence caused by manganese mining. However, the release of the decision did not prompt the state to take immediate action to safeguard the safety of the population residing in the danger zone. In the letter dated November 4, the residents of Itkhvisi village requested a meeting with the representatives of Chiaturi Municipality City Hall, the Interdepartmental Commission, and "Georgian Manganese."

As previously indicated, the Itkhvisi community's collective statement is a response to the decision of the Interdepartmental Commission, which the Georgian government established on October 10 of this year. However, the letter was recently made available to a portion of the general public. It underlined the necessity for additional governmental interventions, including in-depth geological studies, resettlement of the local populace, and provision of adequate housing.

Considering that the community was not allowed to engage in the commission's work and that the process has been opaque, the residents are uncertain of the government's next steps. The community's key concerns are - the state's response to ensuring the housing and security of the population, the system for assessing damages, and the amount of compensation.

Notably, 35 families residing in Itkhvisi received a written offer from the Chiatura City Hall to rent them temporary accommodation after the State Commission's decision was published. Presumably, these are the high-risk families identified by the Interagency Commission. However, because the residents do not know how long the state will provide them with rent and what will happen after the rent is terminated, the municipality must provide more clarity and give the locals with comprehensive information about the offer so that the residents can make an informed decision, especially since the matter involves such an important aspect as their housing. In addition, it is unknown what will happen to the remaining 51 households at risk.

The community demands that an interdepartmental commission meeting be organized within the next few days due to the gravity of the situation. In addition, the representative of the Office of the Prime Minister of Georgia, the Chairman of the National Mineral Resources Agency, the Mayor of Chiaturi Municipality, and representatives of the Georgian Manganese Company should be present at the meeting. At the meeting, the community should have the opportunity to discuss in detail the issues raised in the commission's decision and ask pertinent questions about the next steps the state will take to ensure the safety of the populace.

We call on the relevant agencies to prioritize the community's request to organize the meeting in Chiathura and to take the necessary steps to accommodate the people's reasonable demands. Together with partner organizations, the Social Justice Center continues to protect the interests of Itkhvsi village residents and monitor the process of meeting their needs. Shortly, the Center will inform the public of the latest developments in this direction.

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