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EU engagement mechanisms and protracted conflicts in Georgia


Over the past 15 years, conflict transformation has become a declared goal of the EU, with the EU recognizing its priority and importance beyond the goal of conflict resolution and management.[1] For conflict management and transformation, the EU has developed several mechanisms and tools for different conflict situations, particularly in the case of protracted conflicts. Since the 2008 war, after Russia blocked the UN and OSCE missions in the conflict regions of Georgia, the European Union has become the most active and influential actor in peacebuilding and conflict prevention. The main tools and mechanisms by which the European Union works to support peace and conflict prevention in Georgia are three: the Geneva International Negotiations Format (GID), the European Union Monitoring Mission (EUMM), and financial support programs aimed at engagement (for example, COBERM). Clearly, the role of the European Union in this direction is high and unconditionally important. However, the crisis of protracted conflicts and changing security contexts in the region (especially the war in Ukraine, as well as the second Karabakh war and constant tensions in the South Caucasus) put on the agenda the need for a critical rethinking of its role and the operation of mechanisms. 

The document aims to present the primary analysis of the mechanisms employed by the European Union for conflict transformation in Georgia and to evaluate their effectiveness in the context of Georgia. Also, it offers recommendations and visions on how these mechanisms can be bolstered to transform Georgia's ongoing conflicts and improve the legal status of all conflict-affected groups. Obviously, the process of integration with the European Union, which is related to the construction of democratic institutions, the protection of human rights, and the establishment of European Union standards in several directions of the economy and social protection, has a direct impact on peace policy. Along with democratizing systems, it creates opportunities and interest in offering better prospects for people living in conflict regions. In the future, the Social Justice Center will present more detailed perspectives and recommendations regarding strengthening the international engagement policy in cooperation with the EU representation in Georgia.


Footnote and Bibliography

[1] Tocci, Nathalie 2013. “EU, Conflict Transformation and Civil Society: Promoting Peace from the Bottom Up?” Review of European Studies 5 (3): 29.

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