საერთო ცხელი ხაზი +995 577 07 05 63
Address: 34 Chavchavadze Ave. Pixel Business Centre, VIII Floor; Tbilisi 0179
Phone: +995 32 2 91 38 70
WebPage: www.coe.ge
The cooperation between Council of Europe Office in Georgia and Social Justice Center began in 2013 and included supporting and empowering women in local municipal elections through various forms. Moreover, this has included promoting public discussions and raising awareness of the obstacles that women politicians face. During the 2016 parliamentary elections period, with the support of the Council of Europe, Social Justice Center also worked for empowering women politicians. With the aim of increasing their knowledge of equality and social welfare matters, Social Justice Center created a discussion space to bring together members of academia, activist groups and women politicians, that aimed to achieve recognition and incorporation into the agenda of obstacles faced by vulnerable groups.
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