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Social Policy / Projects

Supporting equality utilizing anti-discriminatory mechanisms

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Budget: USD 35,000

Duration: 2018-2019 Year

With the support from Open Society Georgia Foundation (OSGF), Social Justice Center in association with Partnership for Human’s Rights (PHR) is commencing a new project “Supporting equality utilizing anti-discriminatory mechanisms”.

Project consists of two important directions: Rectify and identify discriminatory practices and legislation against vulnerable groups, more specifically, people with disabilities and elderly (PHR); and to find and correct instances of discrimination in the workplace (Social Justice Center).

In the scope of the project minimum of seven strategic litigation cases will be taken (4 on people with disabilities and 3 regarding the elderly) to the court and introduced before Georgia’s public defender’s anti-discriminatory mechanism.  Furthermore, project team will organize minimum of four field visits to the retirement houses, facilities for people with disabilities and mental health centers in Tbilisi and Rustavi. Additionally, third periodic report will be prepared, which will analyze legal proceedings, to insure equal treatment of elderly and people with disabilities. Report will include actual cases, to further aid other individuals, including professionals (lawyers, judges) and most importantly community members to use anti-discriminatory mechanisms independently to restore their rights. To identify current situation in the regions and plan strategic litigation cases accordingly, project also includes four field visits. Project team will prepare minimum of two short analytical documents, which will identify inequality in the workplace and evaluate courts’ and public defenders’ standards in approaching similar cases. 

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