საერთო ცხელი ხაზი +995 577 07 05 63
Budget: GEL 51,186.74
Duration: 2024 Year
Since June 2024, the Social Justice Center, with the support of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, has been implementing a project aimed at increasing knowledge and sensitivity among different groups about social and economic rights and their link with the quality of democracy.
The project involves informing young people, activists, civil society organization representatives, and media actors about the content and systemic challenges of social and economic rights. To this end, the project includes holding public events (including those in the regions), a student summer school, and an essay competition focused on social and economic rights.
The collaboration between the Friedrich Ebert Foundation and the Social Justice Center began in June 2024. From this time, the Center started implementing the project financed by the Foundation - “Promoting Knowledge regarding the Content of Social and Economic Rights and Their Justiciability.”
The current collaboration between the Foundation and the Social Justice Center focuses on the content of social and economic rights, systemic challenges related to their realization, and the relationship between implementing these rights and the quality of democracy.
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