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Judiciary and Democracy / Projects

Advocating for Systemic Reforms of the Law Enforcement Agencies

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Budget: USD 47,509

Duration: 2018-2019 Year

Since April 2, 2018, Social Justice Center has been implementing the project, which aims to support institutional and structural reforms of the law enforcement system, as well as, the process of harmonizing the legislation in the light of constitutional changes. For these purposes, Social Justice Center plans to:

  • Advocate for changes in the legislation, which regulates prosecutorial activities;
  • Advocate for reforming the investigative system and the police units.

The project is highly relevant because of the latest constitutional reform, which redefines the constitutional place of the Prosecutor’s Office in the governmental hierarchy and creates the need to reorganize, at the level of the organic law, the process of selecting and appointing a chief prosecutor, as well as, their dismissal, prosecutorial accountability to the parliament and other important issues.

Together with the reforms of the Prosecutor’s Office, Social Justice Center will continue working on the institutional reforms within the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The Ministry has already announced changes in several directions, including, structural reforms and modernization of police units.

Within the project framework, Social Justice Center will conduct research, as well as, advocacy activities, including:

  • Identifying the main issues in the prosecutorial system, which need reorganization according to the constitutional reform;
  • With the help of an international expert, preparing review documents about the legislation of those countries, where, the institutional place of the prosecutor’s office and its main character, is similar to the constitutional model of Georgia;
  • Based on the research, and following the consultations with the representatives of academia, expert circles and the relevant agencies, developing recommendations on changes to the organic law “on Prosecutor’s Office” and the rule of procedure of the parliament of Georgia;
  • Based on the conducted research, preparing and presenting to the parliament the suggestions for legislative changes on the investigative system reform;
  • Preparing thematic policy documents on the institutional development of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, reforming of the general inspection, personnel policy at MIA;
  • In the process of advocating for the legislative reforms, cooperating with the relevant agencies and the parliament of Georgia. Also, organizing thematic meetings with investigators and prosecutors.

The project is implemented with the financial support of “Open Society Georgia Foundation”.

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