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Critical Politics and Solidarity Platform / Projects

Platform for Civic Activism

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Budget: USD 31,123

Duration: 2014-2015 Year

Social Justice Center with the financial help of National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is implementing a project – Platform for Civic Activism.

Platform for Civic Activism envisages creation of alternative space for youth activists; its goal is to broaden the area of analysis of the ongoing social, political and economic processes in society and their representation in the public space by creation texts, social art and other means.

Platform unites the representatives and youth activists of different activist groups and tries to strengthen them.

The existing social order and the prevailing ideological systems reduce the free thinking space. In the educational institutions, the production of ideologically formed knowledge oriented on the use is preventing the emergence of critical thought and legitimization of the situation takes place. Our goal is to create thinking space, which will be presented without the influence of the dominant power system and will support people to gain new knowledge and to widen existing one.

Project aims to critically analyze the existing social and political violent systems and reveal the forms of suppression. Civic platform will create the ability to implement specific activities of civic activists.

The members of platform will have 12 lectures in social and humanitarian sciences, which will be led by the individuals with academic experience. Apart from analyzing the theoretical models, project envisages strengthening the technical skills of the members of the platform for them to effectively plan and implement various activities.

During the project the members of platform group will plan various civic and political activities; its goal will be to manifest the suppression and the solidarity towards marginalized groups.

Duration of the Project: October 2014 – September 2015; 

Project Budget: 31,123 USD.




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