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 საერთო ცხელი ხაზი +995 577 07 05 63

Equality Policy / Projects

Supporting general educational policy improvement of the state through ensuring equality and transparency

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Budget: USD 49,977

Duration: 2019-2020 Year

Since 2019 Social Justice Center in partnership with Georgian Young Lawyers association and through the support from Open Society Georgian Foundation (OSGF), commences a new project “Supporting general educational policy improvement through ensuring equality and transparency”.

Project aims to strengthen State’s general education policy in accordance with transparency standards and equality principles. To achieve the mentioned goal project team sets following objectives:

  1. Study/analyze and identify problems within legislative framework and policy documents, including book approval/authorization system.
  2. Research of international standards and good practices;
  3. Improve access to education among ethnic minorities;
  4. Based on research findings and monitoring results, commence advocacy process before decision making bodies,

Direct beneficiaries of the project are students of educational institutions and individuals interested in book approval/authorization process. As a result, project team will prepare recommendation package based on results of monitoring and research for decision-making bodies to insure eradication of every kind of discrimination and protection of transparency standards in the development of general education policy.

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