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Equality Policy / Projects

Supporting positive transformation of peace politics through research and advocacy

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Budget: EUR 15,700

Duration: 2021 Year

From February of 2021, the Social Justice Center (formerly EMC), with the support of the Heinrich Böll Foundation Tbilisi Office of South Caucasus Region, is implementing a project titled: "Supporting positive transformation of peace politics through research and advocacy."

Despite the intensification of political rhetoric aimed at reconciliation and confidence-building in recent years, tangible changes in state policy towards conflict transformation that would significantly improve the rights and social status of communities and people living in and around conflict areas do not appear. Experiences of political, civic and cultural dialogue and cooperation with conflict regions are still weak. International missions and programs aimed at supporting and overseeing human rights in conflict regions have failed to emerge.

In this context, the project aims to promote alternative perspectives and strategies for conflict transformation in political and public circles by conducting research and analytical work and critical thinking, and to build broad political and public consensus on the importance of restoring  confidence and peace.

To this end, the project sets out the following objectives:

  • Support to strengthen peace and confidence building perspectives and strategies in state policy towards conflict regions through the production of critical knowledge and establishing democratic consultation platform.
  • Promote peace and confidence building perspectives in public and political discourses in relation to the conflict regions and conflict transformation

Within the project, conflict transformation policy document will be elaborated in consultation with experts experienced on conflict issues, as well as with community organizations, analytical documents (articles/reviews) will be prepared on conflict peaceful transformation issues and public discussions will be organzied. The project also provides for active discussion cycle with political groups. The project will have an Advisory Board consisting of researchers and experts with high academic and political experience in the field of conflict.

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