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Social Policy / Projects

Supporting Social Rights in Georgia through research and participatory advocacy

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Budget: USD 60,000

Duration: 2019-2020 Year

With the support of Open Society Georgia Found (OSGF), Social Justice Center is commencing a new project – “Supporting Social Rights in Georgia through research and participatory advocacy”.

Project aims to support positive and just transformation of labor and homelessness polices within Georgia to improve social rights of citizens. In the scope of the project, Social Justice Center aims to draft a policy vision document (which includes, reassessing homelessness criteria, identify flaws within Georgian labor code, analyze the employment policy with specific emphases on woman’s’ employment) and to organize participatory advocacy process in cooperation with independent experts, members of academia, activists and beneficiaries. Social Justice Center plans to work closely with central government and local self-governments, to insure positive transformation of the social rights. Furthermore, project establishes permanent mobile clinic in Chiatura, which will provide local population with legal consultations and be first respondents of rights violations; lawyers of the mobile clinics will organize strategic litigation based on the problems identified throughout their work in the region. 

As stated, projects’ main goal is to support fair transformation of government policy in the sphere of social rights through research, systematic and participatory advocacy. To attain the project goal team sets forward the following specific objectives:

  • Bearing in mind Georgia’s peculiarities, to preparing critical analyses and initiatives on existing labor and homelessness policy through desk research and best practices.
  • Supporting policy change of labor and homelessness through awareness raising and participatory advocacy before political parties and government agencies.
  • Promoting positive transformation of social policy on local level through establishing mobile clinics and engaging in participatory advocacy.

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