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Equality Policy / Projects

Supporting Protection of the Rights of Non-Dominant Religious Groups through Research and Participatory Advocacy

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Budget: GEL 342,900

Duration: 2018-2020 Year

From September 2018, Social Justice Center starts a new project “Supporting Protection of the Rights of Non-dominant Religious Groups through Research and Participatory Advocacy”. The project is financed by the Embassy of the Netherlands.

The project aims to protect non-dominant religious/ethnic minority rights and support their civic participation. The project activities include the research and research-based advocacy of state policy in relation to the religious freedom, establishment of legal clinics in Adjara and Kvemo Kartli regions, participatory and systemic advocacy of local challenges, creation of academic platform of local activists and inter-religious dialogue, also organization of semi-academic forum on the issues of religion and politics among academic fields.

One of the important activities planned under the framework of the project is to create the Network of Equality and Solidarity, which will unify various political parties, state agencies, academia, and activist groups. The Network will endeavor to rethink religious and ethnic minority challenges from a new perspective, and to support social changes.

In the framework of the project, a journalist will work along with Social Justice Center team to prepare analytic and multimedia products on local political, social and legal challenges and will assist to bring local issues of concern, interests and needs into the political agenda. Within the context of the project, policy research will be carried out with a specifically developed participatory and democratic monitoring methodology and advocacy of the recommendations prepared under this research will be planned with active involvement and self-organization of local communities. In advocacy processSocial Justice Center will not be focused only on the issues of discrimination and freedom of religion; it will also more widely cover the problem of political and social exclusion in target regions and social groups.

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