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Crisis of Secularism and Loyalty towards the Dominant Group

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Number Of Pages:  86

Publication Year:  2013

Authors:  Tamta MIKELADZE


The presented research was conducted by Human Rights Education and Monitoring Center (EMC) with the financial support of the East-West Management Institute, Inc. (within the framework of - Policy, Advocacy and Civil Society Development in Georgia – G-PAC). The research aims to study the causes of the religious conflicts in the villages of Nigvziani (Lanchkhuti district), Tsintskaro (Tetritskaro district) and Samtatskaro (Dedoplistskaro district); as well as to analyze government policies enacted to the peaceful and just resolution of the conflicts. In addition, the research formulates recommendations to the central government to solve the existing problems and to prevent similar conflicts in the future. The research is examining religious conflicts in the broad dynamic and analyzes the social and political contexts that were influencing and conditioning it.


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