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Civil Society Organizations respond to deteriorated epidemic situation in Tskhinvali Region

Civil Society Organizations respond to deteriorated epidemic situation in Tskhinvali Region and urge the Georgian Government to immediately strengthen talks with de facto Tskhinvali regime, as well as use international political mechanisms in order to timely restore freedom of movement and increase access to medical services.

As it became known in the past days, epidemiological situation deteriorated in Tkhinvali region, number of the infected increased and hospital beds are not available in Tskhinvali Hospital of Infectious Diseases. 57 cases of infection were recorded only in one day. It is known that the president of the so-called de facto regime was also infected. De facto government made the decision to turn the children’s hospital into a Covid clinic. There is lack of medical personnel to manage increased number of cases in Tskhinvali and in case doctors get infected, the situation will become critical. There is already a deficit of drugs and appropriate medical equipment.

According to the statement of International Committee of Red Cross, despite travel restrictions, they still manage to transfer patients to Tbilisi, which is agreed with de facto government. As the Red Cross representatives state, since January 2020 up to now, 60 people have already been transferred.

Despite this, transfer of patients from Akhalgori is still problematic. One more person, Russian Language teacher Vera Katolova, died in Daba on October 15, who was not provided with timely medical assistance neither in Akhalgori, nor in Tskhinvali hospitals. De-facto regime still did not consent to transfer of the patient to Tbilisi and nor are relatives allowed to attend funeral. As it turns out, so-called government of Tskhinvali makes decisions selectively and through corrupt means. Up to 20 people fell victim to unlawful and discriminatory restriction of freedom of movement. People in Akhalgori have been living in isolation and conditions of social crisis for more than a year now. Both Georgians and Ossetians demand restoration of freedom of movement.

In this deteriorated situation in terms of virus spreading, timely access to quality health care services is of critical significance for the local population.

Considering this critical situation, we urge:

Georgian Government:

  • To conduct intensive talks with de facto government of Tkhinvali region in terms of simplifying the regime of freedom of movement.
  • To allocate necessary medical resources for treatment of patients transferred from Tskhinvali region, among them for those infected with Coronavirus.
  • To create communication networks with medical personnel of Tskhinvali region for sharing experience of managing infection and treatment.
  • To cooperate with international partners for mobilizing drugs and additional medical equipment for Tskhinvali region.

EU observation mission and Red Cross International Organization:

  • To conduct intensive and direct negotiations with de facto government of Tskhinvali region for restoration of freedom of movement.
  • To allocate appropriate resources for transferring patients to territory controlled by Tbilisi.
  • To cooperate with international partners for mobilizing drugs and additional medical equipment for Tskhinvali region.

Signatory Organizations:

  • Human Rights Education and Monitoring Center (EMC)
  • Human Rights Center (HRC)
  • Georgian Young Lawyers' Association (GYLA)
  • Democracy Research Institute (DRI)

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