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 საერთო ცხელი ხაზი +995 577 07 05 63


Overview of Cases on Cestriction of Religious Freedoms and Discrimination

The present document summarizes cases litigated by Human Rights Education and Monitoring Center (EMC) on equality rights. Predominantly the document provides an overview of cases, which relate to restriction of religious freedoms, discrimination based on religious identity, as well as different opinion and crimes motivated by homo/bi/transphobia in 2016-2017. The cases describe particularly important and symptomatic facts of restriction of religious freedom in the recent period. They provide an opportunity to assess human rights condition of religious minorities and identify core challenges faced by them.In the reporting period, EMC litigated two important cases before the Constitutional Court, which concerned the discriminatory financing of four religious organizations in accordance with the Gov’t resolution #117 and non-secular financing of the Patriarchate in accordance with the budget law. EMC renewed work on the first case after it was held inadmissible and will submit the case with a modified claim and on behalf of a broader circle of religious organizations. The proceedings on the case concerning the financing of the Patriarchate is still pending.


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