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Ministry⇥of Internal Affairs⇥of Georgia after November 2012: Evaluation report

Assessment of the performance of the Ministry of Interior after November 2012 Transparency International Georgia

The present report is a joint work of four non-governmental organizations - "Transparency International Georgia", "Georgian Democratic Initiative", "Human Rights Education and Monitoring Center" (EMC) and the "Georgian Young Lawyers' Association". The report presents the monitoring results of the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia (MIA) after the 2012 parliamentary elections and covers the period from November 2012 until March 2014. The report assesses the key legislative initiatives, the actions aimed at securing freedom of assembly and the crime prevention measures taken by the Ministry. Further, facts of potential abuse of power by the Ministry staff are discussed. We have even evaluated the Ministry's staff turnover and the results of the Ministry's work on human rights protection in general during the post-election period.


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