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OTHER / Report

EMC and GYLA Submit Alternative Report to the UN on implementation of the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

On August 17, Human Rights Education and Monitoring Center (EMC) and Georgian Young Lawyers Association (GYLA) submitted a collective alternative report to the UN Human Rights Committee on the implementation of the international covenant on civil and political rights. An alternative report is prepared within the fifth review cycle of Georgia’s implementation of the Civil and Political Rights Covenant.

The report assesses the key developments in the last 6 years concerning all civil and political rights enshrined in the Covenant, as well as the implementation of the recommendations made by the Committee in the previous, fourth cycle.

The Alternative Report, in relation to the relevant articles of the Covenant, reviews serious cases of individual rights violations during the reporting period, such as the illegal killing of Temirlan Machalikashvili, the abduction of Afgan Mukhtarli, violation of the right to remain in a state during the extradition process of the North Caucasians in Russian Federation, violations during the August 2008 War, problems related to the investigation and prosecution of crimes committed by the law-enforcers, etc.

The report assesses the harsh violations of human rights in the occupied territories, the severe social situation of IDPs, the challenges related to the anti-discrimination policy and gender equality, shortcomings in the independence of the judiciary and the investigative system, the need for fundamental reform of the Code of Administrative Offenses, drawbacks in juvenile justice, challenges to freedom of religion. An important part of the report is devoted to an overview of repressive drug policy in the country.

In an alternative report, EMC and GYLA assess serious violations of freedom of expression and assembly, including the events of June 20-21, 2019, the events of May 12, 2018, the right of LGBT to assemble, and numerous violations in this regard. The report critically assesses the violations of media freedom, including the developments in the Adjara Public Broadcaster and the cases of gross interference in journalistic activities during the coverage of the events of June 20-21, and injuries to journalists.

One part of the report focuses on labor rights challenges, labor safety issues, barriers to housing rights, and protection from eviction, as well as barriers to reform of legal capacity of persons with disabilities in Georgia.

The large part of the report is devoted to the drawbacks of ethnic minority participation in the political and social lives and challenges of integration policies in Georgia.

The assessments and information given in the alternative report are based on the research, fieldwork, and strategic litigation cases of EMC and GYLA and their analysis. Where relevant, the report is based on the information given by the state authorities, or on the assessments of Public Defender, local and international human rights organizations.


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