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Judiciary and Democracy / Projects

Establishing a fair and humane criminal policy

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Budget: USD 91,327

Duration: 2019-2020 Year

From November 2020, Social Justice Center with the support from Open Society Georgian Foundation (OSGF) commenced a new project “Establishing a fair and humane criminal policy”.

The project aims to strengthen the critical analyses of criminal policy, drug policy and police practices to promote the formation of humane, fair and socially sensitive policies and institutions.

To achieve this goal, the project sets forth the following objectives:

  1. Introduce substantive critical analyzes of repressive criminal policy and of its accompanying instruments, which for years has been considered as an approach without an alternative, through advocacy of fair and socially aware judiciary.
  2. To maintain the problem of drug policy reform on the political and public agenda and to support the formation of a final political decision.

The project, in conjunction with sociological and legal research, will seek to identify the impact of social factors on crime, critically analyze existing policies, and develop appropriate recommendations for establishing humanitarian criminal policy within the country.

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