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 საერთო ცხელი ხაზი +995 577 07 05 63


The quality of life in Savaneti village improved due to the combined efforts of the locals and the Social Justice Center

Every individual has the right to an adequate standard of living. Article 29 of the Georgia Constitution stipulates that everyone has the right to live in a healthy environment. Furthermore, according to the preamble of the convention "On access to information related to environmental issues, public participation in the decision-making process and access to justice in this field," adequate environmental protection is necessary for the well-being of humans and the protection of their rights, including the right to life.

The chicken farm "Savaneti 99" is situated close to the village of Savaneti in the municipality of Bolnisi. Due to this, inhabitants living in the open field were forced to endure the harshest conditions for years. Near the farm, in an open field, there was a considerable amount of chicken feces and other garbage, and the farm's stench and a large number of flies spread across virtually the whole village.

Representatives of the Social Justice Center visited the Savaneti village at the invitation of local activists.

Lawyer Tatia Kacharava of the Social Justice Center noted that "the populace was basically prohibited from freely using the open area. In addition to creating a harmful living environment and health conditions, this circumstance also fostered a social atmosphere that undermined people's dignity."

With the assistance of the USAID Rule of Law Program, the Social Justice Center, in collaboration with community activists, sent written notices to the National Food Agency of Georgia and the Department of Environmental Supervision of the Ministry of Environment and Agriculture of Georgia to create a decent living environment for the local population. Based on these appeals, both authorities investigated the farm, detected non-conformities involving waste management and breaches of hygiene regulations, levied a fine on the business, and provided guidelines for disinfecting the area and managing trash.

"In September, we revisited the vicinity around the farm in Savaneti to check the condition. The situation was much better; the space was thoroughly cleaned and sanitized, there was no odor, and the number of flies was drastically reduced. There were indications of chemical treatment in the area" says Tatia Kacharava, a lawyer at the Social Justice Center.

During our conversation, the families living near the farm confirmed that the company disinfected the surrounding area and the village streets throughout the summer. As a result, according to their explanation, the situation in the village has improved, although locals can still sense the smell on extremely hot summer days.

It is to be commended that the intervention of the regulatory authorities proved beneficial, and the business started to comply with hygiene standards and waste management regulations. With the assistance of the USAID Rule of Law Program, the Social Justice Center continues to monitor the situation in Savaneti, engage with the local community, and, if required, continue advocating for the protection of the local's rights.

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