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 საერთო ცხელი ხაზი +995 577 07 05 63

About Us / Coalitions

The Coalition for an Independent and Transparent Judiciary

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Address: 5 Marjanishvili Street, 3rd Floor, Tbilisi 0102

Mobile: +995 32 2 50 54 04


The Coalition for an Independent and Transparent Judiciary was created in 2011. It brings together organizations that focus on judicial system, criminal justice, and human rights issues. The goal of the Coalition activities is to facilitate deliberations on problems concerning the judicial system, implementation of institutional reforms, as well as the promotion of independent and accountable justice system through research, advocacy and public discussions.

Social Justice Center joined the Coalition in 2013. Since then, the organization has been the active member of the Coalition’s Steering Committee and has co-authored numerous reports, research papers and overviews. In addition, on November 15, 2021, the Steering Committee re-elected Social Justice Center for a 1-year term as the Coalition Chair organization.

In cooperation with the Coalition, Social Justice Center has placed on the public agenda the necessity of reforms in the law enforcement bodies, which resulted in the institutional separation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and its State Security Services. As a consequence of the Coalition’s active advocacy efforts, several stages of reforms were implemented in the judicial system as well.

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