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24 June 2021
საერთო ცხელი ხაზი +995 577 07 05 63
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Drug Policy / Assessment
The Legislative Changes Initiated by the “Georgian Dream” are Populist, Ineffective to Address Addiction-related Healthcare Issues, and Aimed at Increasing Control over the General Public
Judiciary / Statement
The Seizure of Funds Represents Yet Another Aggressive Attempt to Punish Protests and Persecute Civil Society Organizations The Seizure of Funds Represents Yet Another Aggressive Attempt to Punish Protests and Persecute Civil Society Organizations
Judiciary / Assessment
FARA Does Not Apply to Civil Society and Media Organizations
Other / Assessment
“Georgian Dream” Deprives Civil Society Even of the Formal Opportunity to Participate in the Decision-making Process
Law Enforcement / Assessment
Critical Analysis of the Legislative Amendments Adopted by “Georgian Dream” in an Expedited Manner
Women’s Rights / Statement
Misogynistic and Sexist Culture and Language Surging in the Police
The Decision of “Georgian Dream” to Criminalize Highway Blocking is Unconstitutional
Criminal Justice / Statement
The Large-Scale Act of Pardon by Mikheil Kavelashvili Bears Signs of Arbitrary Authority
The Use of Imprisonment Against Mzia Amaghlobeli Is Unlawful, And the Decision Must Be Changed
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