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24 June 2021
საერთო ცხელი ხაზი +995 577 07 05 63
Drug Policy / Analytical Documents
Practice of the Constitutional Court on Drug Policy - Assessing the Process of Reflecting Decisions in Legislation Social Justice Center Tbilisi 2021
Drug Policy / Infographic
What do we need to know about the current legal framework for narcotic drugs?
Judiciary / Statement
The Coalition calls on the Parliament to properly and timely implement the decision of the Constitutional Court
The Coalition Reacts to the Protest of Several Judges
Other / Statement
Saakashvili’s hospitalization in the penitentiary system medical unit fails to insure risks to his health and inviolability
Security Sector / Statement
The State Security Service of Georgia's (SSSG) statement expresses a sense of political threat
Non-Governmental Organisations’ Joint Statement Concerning Municipal Elections
The Coalition for an Independent and Transparent Judiciary Reacts to the Planned Judicial Conference
The Authorities Must Fully Yield to the Recommendations Issued by the Multidisciplinary Team of Doctors and the Public Defender of Georgia, Regarding the Hospitalization of M. Saakashvili
The website accessibility instruction