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24 June 2021
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Politics and Human Rights in Conflict Regions / Statement
The government should use efforts to substantially improve the movement regime in the conflict regions
Ethnic Minorities / Statement
The government continues to try to discredit the Machalikashvili family in the European Court
Public Organizations condemn the Parliament’s decision to consider ethnic minorities as diaspora
Other / Statement
Bandyukov's case - vicious and inhumane practice of extradition to Russia continues
LGBT Rights / Research
Social Exclusion of LGBTQ Group in Georgia
Religious Freedom / Article
Buknari – One more place of religious conflict
Religious Freedom / Statement
We call on the government to launch fundamental reforms in the area of religious freedom
EMC addresse the religious conflict in the village Buknari
Ethnic Minorities / Research
Cultural Domination and the Signs of Minority Culture Erasure in Kvemo Kartli Region
The website accessibility instruction