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24 June 2021
საერთო ცხელი ხაზი +995 577 07 05 63
LGBT Rights / Statement
EMC responds to the threats of violence against LGBTQI activists Koba Bitsadze and Beka Gabadadze
Law Enforcement / Research
Prevention of Crime-Risk Related to Police Control
Judiciary / Article
How does the new system of court case distribution work
Law Enforcement / Report
Disciplinary Liability System In Law Enforcement Agencies
Religious Freedom / Statement
EMC's Appeal to the Parliament Regarding Planned Constitutional Amendments on Freedom of Religion
Religious Freedom / Report
Overview of Cases on Cestriction of Religious Freedoms and Discrimination
Non-Governmental Organizations Respond to the Beating of Members of "Equality Movement" by the Police
Security Sector / Statement
NGOs respond to the case of a Georgian activist detained in Akhalgori
Judiciary / Statement
non-governmental organizations based in Georgia address an open letter to the Vice-President of the United States
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