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24 June 2021
საერთო ცხელი ხაზი +995 577 07 05 63
Judiciary / Article
Murder on Khorava Street: The public’s knowledge and attitudes towards the Court decision
Other / Statement
EMC filed a complaint with the court on behalf of the local community regarding HPP construction in Pankisi valley
Religious Freedom / Statement
The Human Rights Organizations Respond to the Government’s decision on the abolition of the State Agency for Religious Issues
Labour Rights / Research
Equality in Labour Relations (Georgian legislation in the context of EU equality directives)
Security Sector / Report
International standards and good practices in the governance and oversight of security services
Security Sector / Research
Reform of the Security Service in Georgia
Law Enforcement / Statement
What do we mean by systemic reform of the law enforcement agencies?
Labour Rights / Statement
EMC summarizes the results of metropolitan strike
Judiciary / Statement
Statement on the Case of Ana Subeliani and Tamaz Akhobadze
The website accessibility instruction